Peter do you think this miracle is portable?

Roughly the same % of our population works for the Government...

I'd wager we have a larger Corpo-Gov state where folks are employed by Corporations ostensibly but the economic energy that PAYS for those folks is sapped up by the Gov and transferred to the Corporate arm via a number of dimensions -- subsidies, GSA contracts, etc...

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When Milei was first elected, nobody, not even libertarians, thought that this could really happen. Yes, free enterprise does miracles. (It’s the truth the leftists want to hide).

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Not free enterprise. That comes later. The cuts are more like antiparasitic.

Gov salaries are parasitic fundamentally. Free enterprise is productive fundamentally. We are not seeing renewed or increased production.

But surplus, cut spending and gov programs meaning less parasitic salaries.

It would be another 3 to 5 years optimistically to see the positive effects of free enterprise *begin* to show. And 20 years for them to *begin* to mature.

Consider how long it takes to develop new manufacturing facilities and industries. It takes many years and many deals. Though finance sector changes can happen immediately as favorable economic outlook gets priced in way earlier than it gets developed.

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Excellent points. The economy doesn't turn on a dime, even if the financial markets do.

The media likes to portray every free enterprise initiative as a failure if the previous socialism is still causing problems, which of course it will. Just look at what they did to Liz Truss in Britain.

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Maybe you should all wait several more months? The surplus has been dropping precipitously each month

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I think one thing that Americans have that countries in LATAM don't is a belief in government. So many of my (former) countrymen have a belief that following the law is a virtue, and paying taxes is a duty.

Not so down here, particularly in South America.

People generally recognize that government is dreadful, corrupt, and laws are made by crooked politicians for their personal gain and to better their cronies at the expense of everyone else.

Yes, there is a lot of socialism but the core public understands that government is inherently corrupt and parasitic. Small businesses cannot follow the law and pay all of the required taxes to hire employees--if they did, they would got out of business in a day.

The US needs to lose this inane belief that government is inherently good. Milei is winning in Argentina on a platform of cutting down government to next to nothing, and that's political suicide in the US.

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The socialism is the worst. It makes people unproductive seditious and gay. We must root it out and replace it with USA LOVE

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this is the most positive economic story since Reaganomics

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Yesssss! I think my owners have worked hard enough to pay ZERO taxes! If we do that more prosperity freedom and jobs will come along, also we root out and destroy faggotry and godhating

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It seems that there might be a lesson to be learned here...problem is that most political types don't think that learning this lesson would be helpful in their three main goals. Getting elected, getting reelected, and their third goal which is miles behind the first two. (See Thomas Sowell). Also when there are the majority of the population who only get their information from the MSM, which does not tell them about folks like Javier Milei....(I only heard bad things about him on the MSM when he started out and now nothing at all) Thanks for the update Peter.

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Standard OPERATING PROCEDURES “a La prensa o le pegas o le pagas” as my dad says; The Press Either Beat them or you Buy them.

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Thomas sowell is so brilliant we must make him an honorary austrian and Chicagoan. Stickin it to those race traiter libs who are also gay

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I especially appreciate how he wiped out all of the woke cultural offices and agencies that added zero value to the Argentinians. And I loved even more how triggered the socialists became from their hurt feelings.

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Good for him. I hope the next American administrations can have the backbone to gut and jail the corruption at the top of our government. Fair elections and cutting wasteful departments is the way to go along with balancing regulations and domestic aid. Individual responsibility and merit is required. No race card, sex card appointments.

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Everyone knows that white people have the most individual responsibility and merit after all WE BUILT AMERICA who are allbthese freeloaders working cheap and on welfare and raping everyone? 😭

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Another story Lame stream Media will only cover from the Gov. official fired. Or not at all.

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We need to do that here in usa NOW. No more affirmative action, CRT. BLM. Woke dei. No more special rights for anyone. Why can’t they see that white men built everything? If you dont like that, stfu and build a village of loosers in a jungle somewhere.

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¡Vamos Milei!

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It’s amazing what happens when you let free markets be free markets.

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Every thing does! Hard work is rewarded and useless eaters die and their water and protein is reclaimed to be reused for great USA justice! Libs are gay fags and will never understand

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Just stop. Conservatives don’t actually talk like this.

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Im not conservative! I want to destroy the administrative state and own ALL THE LIBS

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Oh, I know you aren’t a conservative. You’re a leftist trying to act like you believe conservatives would act.

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“No true conservative “ fallacy here!

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Thats not the name of that fallacy.

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Keep up the great work, Peter. I'm a supporter and I intend to continue. Maybe see you at FreedomFest or a Bitcoin event…

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He's a weird-ass Trumper. Poverty and hunger are rising under him. He's a madman who won't even comb his hair because "the market" does it for him. He claims his dogs telepathically advise him. His "boss" is his sister, and she's a former tarot card reader who sold cakes on Instagram before this gig. He put her in his cabinet, abolishing the nepo rule to do so. (This seems to be a favorite tactic of authoritarians, I notice.) His running mate's family was big into murdering and torturing tens of thousands of people, but he downplays this. This is the person you are worshipping. I am sure some austerity and many changes were necessary, but this man is completely mad. You can approve of a few of his changes that appear to possibly be helping -- maybe -- without slobbering all over his feet. (Source: https://time.com/6980600/javier-milei-argentina-interview/)

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Austerity is always needed according to our owners and their pet Austrian economists, for us, not them.

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It was stopping the subsidies that stopped the inflation and deficits … we should try that here and see what happens when all the dead beats suddenly need those jobs at fast food and other venues whose jobs are not worth $20/hr and it also resolves the labor shortage as well!

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In effect, he gave every citizen a pay raise.

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How about we wait maybe a couple of years to come to conclusions?

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Gravity remains gravity, and the fundamentals of economics don't change. Free markets create prosperity--socialist ones create poverty--always and forever.

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Freedom while painful is preferable to serfdom.

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Repeating platitudes is worse than staying silent.

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Better silent & though a fool than to speak out & remove all doubt. But still hold true. Just stop living by lies. Take that Plataturd.

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Empty barrels drum the loudest.

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It’s good to have an open mind, just not so open your brains fall out.

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That’s true, but farting platitudes from one’s arse is just horrible.

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Other people are less enthused when they look deeper underthe hood

Danger Ahead: Argentina Confirms Total Dollarization, China To Punish Western Car Exports Hard


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This IS not the news we hear in Europe.

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For sure! First lesson in Media. What ever they report is most likely the opposite of truth.

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Of course not, you are ruled by Progressive NWO types who think of themselves as intellectually elite and rarely get their hands dirty!

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They are like HILTER or SARAN

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May 23·edited May 23

Meanwhile, Mexico is going to continue driving HARD LEFT. Its rigged system will soon install a new president: The first woman, the first Jew, but not the first communist. She's a hard-line leftist: Claudia Sheinbaum.

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They are doomed and were as soon as the natural power of white men prevaricated about who was on rhe mission. Minorities are genetically and intellectually unable to compete and when they are in power they’re not taken seriously and fail because they are just fail

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