We are talking about economy as if it were some horse race, completely ignoring the ultimate goals our Rulers desire. KOVID showed us they want us enslaved, sick, infertile and dead. What happens to the economy as they begin to get closer to achieving their goals? What kind of living, what kind of the world this will be? Let’s start from there and walk back. We might learn some invaluable lessons that just might help us save our humanity before it is too late.

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May 10·edited May 10

The retards at the top will find themselves starving and cold, with no gasoline in the Aston martins before it’s over with, because they’re killing off the people who feed them.

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They believe they can manage without most of us.

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Everything is going right on schedule for the Democraps and Elite. First bankrupt the country and raise inflation to new highs that the average consumer cannot afford. Next tell the people that the government will fix it if they will allow them to take over their lives. If this doesn't work, create another cataclysmic terrorist explosion of minor Nuclear proportions, or better yet do something that will cause a major threat to the government that will allow them to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. Then watch them complete their plan to overthrow the country and install a dictator. In fact everything they say that Trump wants to do, just watch! Just saying!

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War would help them deflect the blame for the catastrophic mess they have created. But as we know Democrats are a peace-loving species so would never contemplate something as cynical as that.

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It feels like the dictator has already been installed

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See the overall picture: intentional takedown with intentional cognitive dissonance. Then DC, cbdc, then we the people are caged goy. Welcome to prison planet earth. Imagine being a cow in a pasture. Or chicken in coop. Nice, eh.

The new dream, 15 minute tiny home, with social credits to buy Costco crickets…

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Saw what you did there. 100%

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In June 2001, people aged 55 and older owned 55.6% of the nation's wealth. By December 2023, this share had increased dramatically to 73.2% of the total wealth. I expect this to continue. I'll write about this tomorrow.

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You are talking about mostly garbage foods from garbage companies that are best avoided as much as possible. If inflation is keeping these terrible foods out of consumers stomachs, that might be a good thing. If any of these foods were healthy, we would be a far healthier country since so many people eat this garbage like it is going out of style.

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Thanks for your great work and your blessedly short videos. 😎 I'm supporting you and plan to continue!

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Cornered, no way out! What next you ask?

Ah, pitch forks, tarred feathers on banksters or worse yet mansions burning.

Help ing the brilliant podcaster: when humans have nothing to lose they lose it!

Are ar’s going to replace the pitch fork?

All I want to know at this point in tyme..

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I would like to hear the Professor's take on thegreattaking.com documentary/book someday soon, before the everything bubble bursts.

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Getting priced out of all that junk food will likely be good for the extremely poor in the long run. I did notice today that my pasture raised eggs are nearly 6 dollars a dozen now.

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Problem is that the poor eat junk food because they are already priced out from the healthy food. Not many options available below junk food, and none of them meet human dignity.

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They are NOT priced out of grass fed ground beef at US$5.50 a lb. or bargain 12 chicken thighs for even less. The issue is they are poor for a reason -- lower IQ and or shit culture -- and just eat what they think tastes good or what is in front of them.

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Ya dude, just stroll through Wally World and look at what’s in the carts in the food section. Pop, garbage food with bioengineered by product listed on the box or bag. They wouldn’t care or just are clueless. They are terminal. Sadly not much can be done. First and easiest, old and young, then working to healthiest middle age. Just saying we all have a bullseye on our forehead dead centered at the pineal gland…

On so many levels this is horrific as I see it.

Like a rain fall that starts out as a good soaker, then clears off, with more and more rounds of getting heavier and longtime duration. One day comes and roads are washed and vast areas are wasted to flooding. And it keeps coming til we are on our roof tops waiting for a savior.

This is happening as I say this. Cue into Adapt 2030. Get up to speed with this Uber intelligent host. He looks at the big pic bringing in the planets and sun alike…

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