The government is now overspending by a trillion dollars every 3-4 months, give or take. There is no way the taxpayers can cover this excess. Are these clowns going to raise taxes another $2-3 trillion a year to pay for the deficit? That would mean another $2-3 trillion leaving the economy every year and furthering the economic downturn and possible crash. Less economy = less collected taxes. It's a vicious downward spiral.

The same goes for the Fed's deficit. Sure, the taxpayers and those taxed at all levels pay for a good portion of the costs to run the economy, but hardly all. Taxpayers haven't covered the cost of government but a few times in the last 50 years.

Taxpayers on the hook? More likely future taxpayers will spend their lives on the hook for today's deficits. Theoretically, taxpayers taxed 20 years from now will be paying for deficits created 10 years ago.

It's a losers game and the deficits will never be paid back, not one thin dime's worth. Then again, no one in government has more than a few brain cells in operation at any given time and that explains the whole shebang.

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Hi Peter, how can we get transcripts of the podcast??? I’m a subscriber and people say via YouTube you can get a transcript but I’ve not found such? Any ideas. I’d really like to read your podcast content.


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Well hey, what's a few trillion!

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Thank you! Just became an annual subscriber and I know I won't be disappointed.

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Peter - At the end of the day doesn’t this just diminish the value of the dollar and stoke inflation - how can this not end in hyperinflation?

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Nothing to worry about when you can create trillions, until that machinery breaks down. Trillions can still buy you Land, lots of it. Then you start a war killing billions. There is always a post-war where you can create the New World Order. Major population reduction and perpetual money power. I believe everything is proceeding according to plan, more or less.

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Funny money? It’s real when this Ponzi scheme is put to an end. Alas, these crooks are in control of this corporate shake down of our labor. If only Joe and Jane doe had a clue. It allows corruption to flow top down to the homeless that will kill for his or her next fix. Imagine the human sacrifices by this game of yo-yo money fleecing and destitution which kills humans literally… murder by monetary policy…

This is the crux of turning the titanic, but it just is not going to happen when so few understand. Humanity will never understand wtf is happening. The forth turning hyper novelty unrestricted war fare

Is just beginning. Degal will be confirmed by 2030. 15/16 dead. 7/100 survivors.

Do you feel lucky? An awaking? Fuck no..

Reality will be transhumance via nanotechnology and survivors will have no recollection of the past but be happy to do as programmed. Human farms like hogs cattle and chickens. Next time you see a truck bringing livestock to slaughter image those being humans…

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Terrifying. And we have no say in it.

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..."Thin air" is a very appropriate term to apply whenever commenting about the not-federal reserve considering thin air is where the money comes from when printing currency for treasury to hand over to politicians so they can further dilute value of the dollar. What is painfully clear over decades that this scam will never be corrected so the end game is coming very soon. Too bad for US.

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