Brilliant, as always, Peter, thank you. Gutenberg and his revolution has been on my mind lately in this context. Grateful to you for summing up the brave new world of free speech in your characteristically incisive (and concise) style. Censorship heads have rolled; on deck at the Guillotine: the income tax!
The H1-B Visa has showed how shallow the MAGA slogan really is. Billionaires look after other billionaires is the bottom line. The Income Tax is going nowhere. That was just the red meat hung out for Election Day. Censorship is not over. Google censors all the time and will continue to do so.
One of the triggers of the US War of Independence - was the British "Stamp Tax" on newsprint - in an attempt to throttle speech by only allowing the printing of "newspapers" on government approved paper, which was sold only to pro-government establishments.
And now look at the 400 different ways we are taxed. We should send a belated apology to King Charles and see if we can rejoin and just pay the "Stamp Tax". ;-)
It was sarcasm. No, I don't care what Slug Charles had to say. He is powerless and a tree-hugger except when they fly private jet or yacht somewhere to press the flesh.
Would love to get your analysis on CBDCs - ripple and bank coins are a looming threat to free speech and will certainly be leveraged by legacy institutions in their fight for survival
Both parties LOVE piling on the debt. Whichever one is in power when things get shaky will implement all these things, including the GOP. Remember, they continue to reauthorize the unconstitutional "Patriot Act" each and every time.
Fact is "THEY" control the mainstream narrative 100% and that still controls the minds of the mindless masses. It is still all powerful,...they can make a Saint into a evil psychopath with a few fake stories, same thing v good at it. They are VERY good at BS stories to frighten the chickens into "knowing what they can not do or say"! Also, they control Education & even Academia ...they also control the creation of Capital & currency & most all else financial...We have got a long, long way to go due to censorship, self-censorship & the silencing of dissent that comes from these outrageous "Misinformation" & "Hate speech" laws they are rolling out at warp speed...they come with the prosecutions/investigation processes from BIG BRO paid for "Authorities" & others like the BS Fact checkers...THEY can pay millions to fu*k anyone financially...thats a powerful tool in manufacturing mass OBEDIENCE. Ha!
Well, love the optimism, love THE STONGE too, but MPOV is they are algorithmically garrotting the search engines like there's no tomorrow. Also strangling all manner of "prohibited"/"illegal" opinion & debate on internet under the FAKE guises of "protecting" children & protecting folks from being "offended" by "hate speech" &/or "misinformation" is same old "protection" trick for control and they are making great strides at it. Seems to me X is pretty censored now ...Substack, Twitter & UK Column News (Great reports BTW) seems only a few that are not "moderated to death" AT THE MOMENT. I think only the USA has 1st Amendment Free Speech rights (not that that matters too much with the way other laws & the insane anti-democratic & corrupted justice system seems to work). REMEMBER- THE PRICE OF LIBERTY IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE.
Lets not count our chickens...DJT & RFK et al are still all in for ME & Near E wars extensions, Pos Rus & China too...& of course Israels & beyonds evil & STILL ONGOING genociding operations. Almost the whole West is now pretty well "captured" by the NWO "Agenda 21" freaks & swindlers (who control wests central banking) & they are making great strides at their "Global Govt" gambit....& their "Public Private Partnerships" ploys & swindling games! God save USA & the West if DJT does not..& perhaps is true to past form & doesn't do right things & smart things! The irony is, my view is USA can make more huge strides with trade than wars...just like China is doing. The wars are just a racket..not really protecting folks & not improving lives of 95% in USA & west.
"With the collapse of censorship and the legacy media we are about to enter a golden age for liberty. " Unless the NSA, CIA, and FBI are defunded and shut down and the DoD budget cut by 90%, there will be no golden age of liberty because all these agencies spy on American citizens and this will not stop under Trump. There are certain topics too taboo for those both Dem and GOP such as the current Israeli Genocide against the Palestinian people. One has to go to RT (Russia Today), on Rumble to find out how Israel is methodically destroying the Palestinian hospitals one after another. Good luck finding any current information from ANY American source.
Censorship is very much alive and well, just look at how the "conservatives" are onboard to go poke China. They are manipulated and they don't even know it. The Washington War Wagon knows how to sucker most American onboard and good luck fining those lonely voices opposing war, be it with China, Iran, or whoever our next target happens to be.
Yes, but the search engines can ignore your radio station so no one can find it. Search engines are the gateway to the internet and they are still controlled by the censors.
I was thinking along these lines back in the early 70's when I was first using 'bulletin boards' to cause trouble. Great writing Peter and thanks from one who was banded from Facebook about 6 years ago.
Brilliant, as always, Peter, thank you. Gutenberg and his revolution has been on my mind lately in this context. Grateful to you for summing up the brave new world of free speech in your characteristically incisive (and concise) style. Censorship heads have rolled; on deck at the Guillotine: the income tax!
The H1-B Visa has showed how shallow the MAGA slogan really is. Billionaires look after other billionaires is the bottom line. The Income Tax is going nowhere. That was just the red meat hung out for Election Day. Censorship is not over. Google censors all the time and will continue to do so.
One of the triggers of the US War of Independence - was the British "Stamp Tax" on newsprint - in an attempt to throttle speech by only allowing the printing of "newspapers" on government approved paper, which was sold only to pro-government establishments.
And now look at the 400 different ways we are taxed. We should send a belated apology to King Charles and see if we can rejoin and just pay the "Stamp Tax". ;-)
I wouldn't be expecting any good to come from 'King' Charles. Did you see/hear his recent address?
It was sarcasm. No, I don't care what Slug Charles had to say. He is powerless and a tree-hugger except when they fly private jet or yacht somewhere to press the flesh.
I did get the tone of your message. My input was just a statement, followed by a query.
Problem is, many people will take note of what that greedy gormless twat has to say.
Always like these historical tidbits. They're always interesting and they encourage you to "explore" further.
So, thank you mate!
Would love to get your analysis on CBDCs - ripple and bank coins are a looming threat to free speech and will certainly be leveraged by legacy institutions in their fight for survival
That and the social credit system. We would have been headed there much faster if Kamala won.
Both parties LOVE piling on the debt. Whichever one is in power when things get shaky will implement all these things, including the GOP. Remember, they continue to reauthorize the unconstitutional "Patriot Act" each and every time.
Suspect true
Fact is "THEY" control the mainstream narrative 100% and that still controls the minds of the mindless masses. It is still all powerful,...they can make a Saint into a evil psychopath with a few fake stories, same thing v good at it. They are VERY good at BS stories to frighten the chickens into "knowing what they can not do or say"! Also, they control Education & even Academia ...they also control the creation of Capital & currency & most all else financial...We have got a long, long way to go due to censorship, self-censorship & the silencing of dissent that comes from these outrageous "Misinformation" & "Hate speech" laws they are rolling out at warp speed...they come with the prosecutions/investigation processes from BIG BRO paid for "Authorities" & others like the BS Fact checkers...THEY can pay millions to fu*k anyone financially...thats a powerful tool in manufacturing mass OBEDIENCE. Ha!
Well, love the optimism, love THE STONGE too, but MPOV is they are algorithmically garrotting the search engines like there's no tomorrow. Also strangling all manner of "prohibited"/"illegal" opinion & debate on internet under the FAKE guises of "protecting" children & protecting folks from being "offended" by "hate speech" &/or "misinformation" is same old "protection" trick for control and they are making great strides at it. Seems to me X is pretty censored now ...Substack, Twitter & UK Column News (Great reports BTW) seems only a few that are not "moderated to death" AT THE MOMENT. I think only the USA has 1st Amendment Free Speech rights (not that that matters too much with the way other laws & the insane anti-democratic & corrupted justice system seems to work). REMEMBER- THE PRICE OF LIBERTY IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE.
The future, she is uncertain, but it does seem like a sea change.
Lets not count our chickens...DJT & RFK et al are still all in for ME & Near E wars extensions, Pos Rus & China too...& of course Israels & beyonds evil & STILL ONGOING genociding operations. Almost the whole West is now pretty well "captured" by the NWO "Agenda 21" freaks & swindlers (who control wests central banking) & they are making great strides at their "Global Govt" gambit....& their "Public Private Partnerships" ploys & swindling games! God save USA & the West if DJT does not..& perhaps is true to past form & doesn't do right things & smart things! The irony is, my view is USA can make more huge strides with trade than wars...just like China is doing. The wars are just a racket..not really protecting folks & not improving lives of 95% in USA & west.
"With the collapse of censorship and the legacy media we are about to enter a golden age for liberty. " Unless the NSA, CIA, and FBI are defunded and shut down and the DoD budget cut by 90%, there will be no golden age of liberty because all these agencies spy on American citizens and this will not stop under Trump. There are certain topics too taboo for those both Dem and GOP such as the current Israeli Genocide against the Palestinian people. One has to go to RT (Russia Today), on Rumble to find out how Israel is methodically destroying the Palestinian hospitals one after another. Good luck finding any current information from ANY American source.
Censorship is very much alive and well, just look at how the "conservatives" are onboard to go poke China. They are manipulated and they don't even know it. The Washington War Wagon knows how to sucker most American onboard and good luck fining those lonely voices opposing war, be it with China, Iran, or whoever our next target happens to be.
It cannot happen quickly enough
Remember the 1990 movie, Pump Up the Volume? Here’s the synopsis…
Mark runs a pirate radio station and causes an uproar when he speaks his mind and enthralls fellow teens.
Today we can all have a “pirate radio” channel.
Yes, but the search engines can ignore your radio station so no one can find it. Search engines are the gateway to the internet and they are still controlled by the censors.
Brilliant bit of writing.
I was thinking along these lines back in the early 70's when I was first using 'bulletin boards' to cause trouble. Great writing Peter and thanks from one who was banded from Facebook about 6 years ago.